Why is Trump so supported? He’s about substance, results

We want a warrior, not a politician.

Responding to the letter of Mr. Wolfe submitted last week (“Please keep up the good work,” published May 6) regarding his bafflement at the support given to President Trump. The answer is fairly simple: does one focus on style or substance? Those adhering to political correctness and group-think, as many of the younger do, see mainly the style side of Trump; his brashness, willingness to confront, abusive language at times. These traits are not uncommon in the New York suburbs where he grew up.

Trump supporters, on the other hand, focus primarily on substance and policy. They see the unique confrontation he has made against China, his insistence on building the Southern wall, the slacking off of policies and bureaucratic rules so hurtful to the business community, the rise in the stock market, his strong embrace of the U.S. Constitution, insistence on fair trade agreements and so on.

Most evangelicals are wise enough to know they do not need another goody-two shoes politician as president; they need and want a serious leader, a warrior and that’s exactly what they got. Trump may well be considered by history as one of our greatest presidents.

Tim Hobbs
