Sumner Presbyterian votes to leave national Presbyterian denomination

The congregation of Sumner Presbyterian Church voted Sunday to leave the national Presbyterian Church because of changes to the denomination's constitution designed to allow non-celibate homosexuals into the clergy and lay leadership.

The congregation of Sumner Presbyterian Church voted Sunday to leave the national Presbyterian Church because of changes to the denomination’s constitution designed to allow non-celibate homosexuals into the clergy and lay leadership.

The Sumner congregation voted in favor of secession by a margin of 90 percent, with 6 percent voting against and 4 percent undecided, Executive Pastor Mary Hendrickson said.

Hendrickson clarified that, although the changes to the Presbyterian Church constitution were prompted by the issue of allowing homosexuals into church leadership, the vote was strictly concerned with the change to the constitution and that it was not a vote regarding homosexuality in the church.

“For Sumner, the vote was more about the change in the book of order from leadership being ‘obedient to scripture’ to ‘guided by scripture.'”

The Presbyterian Church voted nationally last spring to give its regional governing bodies–presbyteries–the option to ordain gay and lesbian  clergy and to allow said persons into lay leadership positions such as elder and deacon.

The Presbytery of Olympia opted out of ordainments. Lay leadership appointments were left up to individual congregations.

Sumner Presbyterian was joined Sunday by Chapel Hill Presbyterian of Gig Harbor. Both churches joined other recent departure-elect congregations, such as First Presbyterian of Tacoma and Evergreen Presbyterian in Graham.

Tomorrow, Thursday, the Presbytery of Olympia is expected to elect a commission to negotiate the terms of congregation departures from the denomination, Hendrickson said. Once terms are negotiated, the congregations will vote to accept or deny them.

Sumner Presbyterian will change its name and join the Evangelical Covenant Church when the separation process is complete.