Traffic & Main paving put on hold by cold and wet weather | SUMNER PUBLIC WORKS

Paving on the Traffic Avenue and Main Street intersection project in Sumner has been delayed by unexpected cold weather, according to an announcement by the Public Works department.

“You can only imagine how much we wanted the next update to be about how paving was underway, and we were finally heading toward wrapping up the Traffic and Main project,” the announcement, which came out this morning, said. “Mother Nature, however, decided to intervene. The recent cold snap has put temperatures below the level at which the crew can pave, putting them on hold.”

Paving will continue when the weather takes a turn for the warmer.

Construction on the Traffic and Main project began in July 2010, with the intent to increase flow, improve the pavement, and add new sidewalks and bike lanes. Work has required altering traffic signals and bringing in new utility lines. Though work was initially planned to last four to five months, a cold winter and early spring has caused delays in the final stages of the project.

More information about the project can be found here.