Consider voting no on Proposition 1 | Letter to the Editor

The ballots are out; voting has begun. The negative possibilities of Proposition 1 far-outweigh any benefits. So, reject the property tax increase, called a Metropolitan Park District (MPD) proposed by Proposition 1. Here are a few of the reasons that compel me to vote against Proposition 1.

The ballots are out; voting has begun. The negative possibilities of Proposition 1 far-outweigh any benefits. So, reject the property tax increase, called a Metropolitan Park District (MPD) proposed by Proposition 1. Here are a few of the reasons that compel me to vote against Proposition 1.
First, the MPD will not serve the largest demographic in our community well. Bonney Lake comprises families; most of Bonney Lake families have kids who play sports. Sports, typically, require some sort of field or recreation center. However, the MPD’s top priority is trails, not ball fields. So, the MPD will spend millions of dollars on trails, probably before any ball fields are built. Oh, did I mention that the trails first priority is based on input from only 454 citizen surveys – that’s less than 3 percent of Bonney Lake.
Second, the MPD cannot build the projects that it mentions without asking you for more money. The city is trying to convince you that the MPD will solve Bonney Lake’s park deficit. This is false. The MPD, even at the $0.75/1,000 tax level (about $175/year for the average $233,000 home), will not fund trails, a recreation center and ball fields. The MPD will ask you to approve a $5-$10 million dollar bond on top of the MPD forever-tax. Establishing an MPD in Bonney Lake, establishes a money-hungry bureaucracy whose hunger will never be satisfied. Families will overpay and be under served.
Third, the MPD would reward the city for losing focus on who it serves – us. The city could, right now, issue a $5 million bond to build ball fields without raising your taxes. Instead, the city chose to issue a $10 mil bond to build “city hall” and buy property for a downtown. How is city hall improving your family’s life? I think families should ask themselves that question every weekend, as they drive to Puyallup and Enumclaw to play soccer, baseball, wrestle, etc.
Fourth, the MPD will create extra bureaucracy in our city. Whenever an extra layer of management is added, more money is wasted. If other MPDs are used as a model, only 40 percent of MPD taxes will fund building projects. Where is the other 60 percent of the tax going? The MPD is not the most-efficient use of your money. Rather, a bond is a responsible way to raise money for parks because: it has to gain 60 percent voter approval which implies greater community support, its funds are used only for project construction, and once the bond is paid off, the tax is terminated.
Who wants to vote against parks? Really, it’s like voting against cute kittens. However, don’t be fooled. The MPD is no kitten. The MPD is a growing tiger: its hunger for money will never be satisfied and it takes what it wants through eminent domain. You think that the “kitten” will keep your toes warm on a cold night, but the MPD-tiger will steal the covers off of your bed leaving you cold and shivering, wondering, “What happened to my cute kitty?” You will be paying the MPD forever-tax, wondering what you are really getting for your money.
So, instead of creating an untamable MPD, let’s build parks in a responsible way. Visit for alternatives to the MPD and vote today against Proposition 1.

Shawnta Mulligan
Bonney Lake